After 2 failed exams 3 yrs later... Uworld works !

10/24/2018 6:11:24 PM
Back story for anyone struggling, I graduated in May 2015, took NCLEX-PN 2x failed and gave up I used Saunders mainly and another book I bought on delegating, and prioritizing (don’t Remember the title) . Fast forward 3 yrs later I knew I had to get it done and pass did some research because I honestly didn’t even know where to begin studying after 3 yrs out of school. Found NCSBN Review bought the 8week program completelted it, once I finished that I bought Uworld 30day, and honestly I feel Uworld really worked, it’s the same format of the Nclex. Completed the qbank and read allllll rationals the most important part. It really works. I took my test on Friday 10/19 my license # just posted on breeze. I hope my story helps any one struggling, keep trying dont give up !

1/2/2019 7:14:47 PM

1/2/2019 9:28:44 PM
this is a great thing to read for me. I am currently in your boat but I am going on 4 years with 2 failed attempts after graduating. very discouraged that its been so long but knowing I am not the only one who has had time pass by and had success gives me much hope.
Thanks for posting your testimony!

pages: 1

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