Your scores do not mean everything!

3/7/2022 11:20:16 AM
I promised myself that after taking my exam I would post on here for others in my situation! When I started using UWORLD my scores were not at all where I wanted them to be. My first assessment score was marked as a LOW chance of passing. After that I completed around 75-125 questions a day, for around a month. I ended my question bank score with a only 55% correct rate. At that time I took my final assessment and received a score of BORDERLINE chance of passing. I was very discouraged with these statistics especially after reading what statistics are recommended. I decided to go in and take my exam as scheduled and see what happens. I went to the exam and my test turned off in 85 questions. I was completely convinced that there was no way. 2 days later I found out I passed! Don't let the statistics and assessments discourage you. I hope this can help! Good Luck!

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