72nd Percentile/59% Qbank

3/18/2021 11:43:49 PM
Hello Everyone!

I wanted to share my experience with prepping for NCLEX using UWorld. I was previously an LPN for 10 years who went back to school to get my degree. My practical experience was not overly helpful in answering UWorld questions because I found that UWorld has a hierarchy in how you should be choosing the most correct answer, and the real world did not train me for that

When I first started UWorld, I was choosing all systems and doing about 10-20 questions at a time. I was not learning anything and my QBank % was sitting at 50 and I was having a hard time getting any better. at the advice from someone on these forums they said start focusing on one system at a time and boy did that change the game for me. I would try to finish a whole system before moving on because you really do learn and retain information from sticking to that system. My scores started to creep up, and I ended at 59% once I had used all the questions in the bank

My pretests were 60% percentile (high chance of passing) and 61% (very high chance of passing). I also went through and redid all the questions I got wrong. When I did this, I could really see how UWorld trained me on how to choose the most right answer, because I found myself asking "how did I get this wrong the first time around?". but it was because I had not been trained by UWorld yet...... and now I was.

I wrote the NCLEX today and got shut off at 75 questions. I felt confident leaving because the style of questions on the NCLEX were very similar to UWorld..... UWorld was harder. The interface on NCLEX is exactly like UWorld and that brought me alot of comfort too.

My best advice to get through the whole QBank, read the rationals, even the bolded font, and then redo your wrong answers. I really felt prepared by UWorld, and that was proven today!!

4/8/2021 2:55:29 PM

I was curious if you have found out if you passed yet? Reading your post was very helpful! I am in the same percentile with only used 14% of my question bank so I am hopeful that is a good thing.

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