colon cancer screeing guidelines?

3/15/2011 7:51:21 AM
which one of this screeing guidelines is correct, please advise

Colon cancer screening from Kaplan videos:
- everyone above age of 50 gets a colonoscopy
- single family member with history of colon cancer - then start colonoscopy at 40 years of age and done every 10 years or done 10 years earlier than the family member
- if 3 family members with colon cancer - start screening at 25 years of age every 1-2 years

but i have looked at medscape for latest update, and it says

-Pt with 1st degree relative with advanced adenoma or colon cancer diagnosed above th age of > 60 years - -- colonoscopy every 10 years begining at 50 years
- Pt with 1st degree relative with advanced adenoma or colon cancer diagnosed at age < 60 years --- colonoscopy every 5 years begining at age 40 or 10 years younger than age at diagnosis of youngest affected relative
(criteria for advance adenoma being - >1cm in size, highgrade dysplasia, and villous component.0
- 2 or more 1st degree relative with colon cancer or high risk adenomas ---- Colonoscopy every 5 years beginig at age 40 or 10 years younger than age of diagnosis of youngest relative.

5/6/2023 12:26:39 PM
Over the years, people have become increasingly aware of the dangers of cancer, leading scientists to develop more effective treatments such as fenbendazole about which you can learn more on the website. These pills have made cancer treatment more successful and less painful. Hope, my answer will help you!

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