Very important:Wrong score reported?!!!!!!

11/6/2010 5:02:51 AM
Hi dear all:
Frequently has been seen low score reported (84 , 82,...)for talented and high performance med student who peredicted their score at leastabove 97.
If anybody has such exprience please let me know because it is seen recently (after changing in number and type of exam ) and it is possible their software need some more adjustment .If it occurred for other people we can ask them strongly to help us.Please notice score of step 1 is more important than other scores.I heard a lady asked for rechecked and her score was improved .

11/6/2010 4:22:43 PM
I am more then depressed since i got my results back, i took my step1 in September, prepared for almost 10 months, from kaplan books, First Ais, uworls questions twice, did NBME 1 till 4 & scored from 85 to 88 in all of them, but i failed in actual exam, i dont know how this happened, i m more then devastated after this result, was it an error or my actual result? plz help me if you know something about it or if i can get it rechecked in some way, but i dont think that those computerized results can be wrong..plz help.

11/12/2010 2:41:18 AM

you can ask them for rechecked but if a lot of applicants would have the same problem they can strongly ask them to find the problem .

Just Do not give up!!!!!!!!!!!

12/8/2010 1:24:51 PM
pare76708219 wrote:
Hi dear all:
Frequently has been seen low score reported (84 , 82,...)for talented and high performance med student who peredicted their score at leastabove 97.
If anybody has such exprience please let me know because it is seen recently (after changing in number and type of exam ) and it is possible their software need some more adjustment .If it occurred for other people we can ask them strongly to help us.Please notice score of step 1 is more important than other scores.I heard a lady asked for rechecked and her score was improved .

i'm in a terrible situation now ; i was so prepared for the exam : took kaplan review course, go over all kaplan books and did 65% of kaplan qbank with a score of 60%, i studied for 8 to 10 hours daily, did first aid , medessential and rapid review pathology from Goljan.. before the exam i did uwsa 1 and scored 520 = 224 and i failed the actual exam...the performance profile really does not reflect how i felt i performed at the exam.. i don't know what to do..should i ask them to recheck ?...have they done this in the past ?..please give me some advice because i am very devastated..

12/8/2010 3:24:15 PM
same thing happened to me, my scores were good while i was preparing, but i failed the actual exam, i didnt know what to do about it, so i have started studying again..

12/9/2010 2:05:42 PM
I am also in the same situation - UWorld I got 76% questions timed, NBME 6 - 600, NBME 5 - 540, but I failed the actual exam. I dont know what to do - I could not believe it. If there is a way to request a recheck then please tell me how to do it and who to contact.

Also - the example u use of the lady whose scored was improved - was it a significant improvement, like from fail to in the 90s or was it like a small minor improvement, like from fail to barely passed, because if it is the later then I rather take the exam again rather than being stuck with a low passing score.
edited by drdr24665616 on 12/9/2010

5/31/2013 9:05:22 PM
Anybody having experiences of score recheck?

pages: 1

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