Tutoring services from tutors who scored >240

11/25/2015 11:38:16 PM
Hello all,

Just wanted to let you all know about this tutoring service which is offered completely via skype. This tutoring service is very personalized and can be tailored to your specific weaknesses. The service will provide lessons on your weak topics as well work on questions/exams with you to figure out your weaknesses. The service also offers a very detailed study schedule to keep you on track. The study schedule can be made for however long you want. It is a very integrative and detailed schedule telling you exactly what to study HOURLY based on YOUR resources. Resources are also recommended to you based on our experience. The company uses a highly effective study method which it teaches you. The tutors are extremely experienced and have scored >240 on both Step 1 and Step 2CK.

Please email [email protected] for pricing information if interested. Thank you.

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