will i pass

7/16/2014 8:24:02 PM
guys these are the mistakes i did. plz let meknow how bad are they?
1. i cud only think of one Dx in one case. but wrote two in pt notes.
2. i did JVD and carotid exam but forgot to write in pt notes
3. forgot to write about fever in pt notes. did ask about it in encounter.
4.didn ask sexual h/o n 2-3 cases
5. few spellin mistakes
6. got lil anxious in one counselling
in all i did closure detailed. showed sympathy..smiled...chit chatted durin hand wash.. made d/d in rest and wrote notes well.. i answered most of challengin qs..asks did i address ur concern. did u understand what we discussed today etc in some.. counselled for all smokers.alcoholic..asked cage qs...explained worl up..
what do you think am i ok?

7/18/2014 3:59:59 AM
why do you worry?
1. you lose 1 score
2. you gain point only on pt. physical checklist
4. if it was relevant to the case?
5. in patient note it doesn't matter
6. a little? it happens to everybody
I think you did great job.

7/18/2014 11:01:35 AM
I also think you did fine if those are the only mistakes you made. From what I hear you should still have passed with flying colors. My mistakes are as follows:
1) Definitely let my nerves show in a few cases that led to some awkward pauses.

2) Ran out of time in one pt encounter kind of... It was at the very end, I literally just didn't finish my last sentence answering a question for the pt, but got my summary in before her question.

3) Ran out of time in one note, at the very end, just didn't put all my diagnostic studies. But didn't get in an obvious one.

4) I didn't proof read, but I am sure I had some spelling errors when trying to type quick.

5) Counseled the difficult patients, but can't tell if they actually didn't like my presentation or if that was just their character being a jerk.

6) Skipped some PE in one pt. to leave time for summary.

Overall my biggest concern is that I was nervous. It messes with my ability to just act calm and build rapport. I feel like the patients are judging me the whole time (because they are) and it shows.

Anyone think I still have a chance?

I honestly felt the whole time I was there that I had close to 2k on the line, and the future of me and my family.... I don't know how they expect me to act like myself with that much stress on my shoulders.

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