i can't finish first aid Hx Qs in 8 min..solution?

7/15/2014 12:54:32 PM
while using first aid with a live partner i still find it difficult to finish history questions in 7-8 min. the questions in first aid take 9 and mostly 10 min ...

do people ask all the questions given in first aid on the real exam

do the patients in the exam have 2-3 complaints that make us think of different diagnosis or does it go in the direction of one diagnosis in real exam.

what other resources are people using these days to remember questions

the questions in first aid about specific symptoms are a little too detailed, i want some useful opinion from those who passed the exam recently

thank u

7/15/2014 1:47:10 PM
I read FA and Core Cases cover to cover. Watched a few CSE videos i can find on youtube. Practice with time is the key thing. Me and my friend test each other when we were a week away from our tests. We took turn being SP the whole day and did 10 cases straight including note writing, strict timing. When the bell rang, we just stopped unfinished, and felt how it would be if we couldn't finish in time and what we would forget under stress. It really helped us..

7/15/2014 5:48:38 PM
I would recommend timing yourself just for the history and timing yourself just for the physical exam

7/15/2014 5:52:41 PM
If you cannot finish things on time, then I suggest attending GoldUSMLE step 2 CS course in Houston or NY it was a very good experience for me and I improved a lot after the review

2/14/2015 9:16:09 AM
You must be selective in your questioning

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