5 weeks from test, advice!

6/30/2014 2:46:41 PM
I've been studying for the test for the past 6 months, i took a kaplan course, reviewed the material 3 times with active study methods, but i'm frustrated because my qbank scores are not high enough to pass, scorring an average of 58%, I have 5 weeks to the test date and i'm feeling pretty down, 5 weeks seems like allot of time to make changes but i'm not sure how i should focus on.


6/30/2014 9:51:32 PM
I am in the same boat..kinda. test on the 21st , but have just started studying..freaking out.

7/1/2014 12:49:13 PM
I am in the same boat..kinda. test on the 21st , but have just started studying..freaking out.

Yeah for sure, I haven't stop, just got the wind blown out for a about 2 weeks, but just got back to the library and will start doing questions today, it's a scary process for me since i've failed this test 2 times already, I'm sure i've got it in me, its just a matter of believing in it and studying smart, best of luck!

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