Learning everything in 4-6 weeks?!

3/24/2014 7:36:37 PM
So Im an IMG preparing for Step 1. I just cant seem to wrap myself around the fact that people prepare for this exam 4-6 weeks time and pass with high scores. I know some Caribbean schools dont teach well or some students who dont do so well in classes but regardless, people on average take 4-6 weeks +/- and do extremely well 240+.
Im feeling very discouraged, as I spend the day reading a topic from FA and if I leave it for a bit my mind is blank and I have to relearn it and move on. I dont really retain a lot of info on just the first read through. (Ive read on quite a few forums where people say they gave FA 1 or 2 read throughs before taking their test.) Please tell me Im normal! I know everyone taking this exam doesnt have a photographic memory... Can someone please explain.

3/24/2014 8:42:07 PM
Hi trustmeimadoctor,
I am fmg as well, and when I started preparation for this exam, I thought that it will take me 2-3 months, but it wasn't the case, I am studying roughly 5 months full time, 3 months part time, and for 3 years while being in US I was constantly reading here and there. It is really a difficult exam, but would you like it to be easy? We came to the best country for medical professionals, there should be a price for this, if we were not lucky enough to be born in the US. My advice is just keep doing it, it will take you probably about a year, be prepared for this, commit yourself. Take your time, don't rush things, stop comparing yourself with others, just keep studying again and again, do it at the level of your personal standards, and it will pay off! First time going through is very slow, especially if you are a slow-reader, but be patient, you need a solid base and deeply linked concepts to pass this exam. Good luck!

3/24/2014 9:32:48 PM
Thanks for your encouragement.

I still would like if it some Caribbean or US student could answer me, do you retain everything in FA with 1 read through.

3/25/2014 12:32:36 AM
trustmeimadoctor wrote:
Thanks for your encouragement.

I still would like if it some Caribbean or US student could answer me, do you retain everything in FA with 1 read through.

Hey there! Im a caribbean student. Just thought I'd give you my input. You def do not retain all the material in FA through one read. FA is a book filled with facts. You need to read it over and over again. You will get to a point when you know the book inside out. Just keep going at it. If you're basics are strong and you study 12 hours a day, you can def take the exam in 4-6 weeks. Otherwise, put in how much ever time you can and do your best. Some people have to ability, perseverance, and time to study for months and years. But that doesn't mean everyone has to do that or needs to do that in order to get a good score. Put in the time and you will see results. Good luck!

3/25/2014 12:33:38 AM
Csun wrote:
trustmeimadoctor wrote:
Thanks for your encouragement.

I still would like if it some Caribbean or US student could answer me, do you retain everything in FA with 1 read through.

Hey there! Im a caribbean student. Just thought I'd give you my input. You def do not retain all the material in FA through one read. FA is a book filled with facts. You need to read it over and over again. You will get to a point when you know the book inside out. Just keep going at it. If you're basics are strong and you study 12 hours a day, you can def take the exam in 4-6 weeks. Otherwise, put in how much ever time you can and do your best. Some people have to ability, perseverance, and time to study for months and years. But that doesn't mean everyone has to do that or needs to do that in order to get a good score. Put in the time and you will see results. Good luck!

the ability**

3/25/2014 3:31:15 PM

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