***Study Partner in New York***

3/9/2014 12:31:56 PM
Just like you I am currently seeking a study/motivational/kick my butt/ we need to study this ASAP/ partner because frankly who doesn't need a bit of motivation in this exhausting ordeal called USMLE.
So please if you are interested message or e-mail me. Let the studies begin!

About me: 27 y/o F, fully bilingual english/spanish

3/9/2014 1:27:16 PM

Te envie un inbox!!

Cadeyme wrote:
Just like you I am currently seeking a study/motivational/kick my butt/ we need to study this ASAP/ partner because frankly who doesn't need a bit of motivation in this exhausting ordeal called USMLE.
So please if you are interested message or e-mail me. Let the studies begin!

About me: 27 y/o F, fully bilingual english/spanish

pages: 1

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