doing UWorld 2nd time around...

2/16/2014 6:05:15 AM
Im doing UWorld second time around and scoring 70s to 80s...some of the questions i feel like i have memorized so maybe im scoring higher. Another concern i have is that questions often repeat themselves when i pick "ALL" from all categories...whats a good way to do it the second time around without continual repeats? i didnt really see any specific settings for that...
does any one know if its just random selection everytime or does UWorld automatically selects questions based on a specific pattern when selecting ALL

2/18/2014 2:18:31 PM
did u reset? and yea u may feel like u have it memorized but its actually very helpful ONLY if you go over your correct and incorrects. It means the concepts have stuck and apparently the real exam is all uworld concepts.

pages: 1

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