Advice please....

1/17/2014 10:46:18 AM
I am an img from Pakistan Islamabad
Its has been 4 years since graduation
Just pasaed my step1 with a score of EXACT 240
can anyone please tell me that i should ait for step2 or not as this is a BORDERLINE SCORE....And i am really confused whethwr i should continue with the journey or not?

8/7/2014 4:26:11 AM
Firstly congratulations on your result. This is a very nice score and you have beaten the mean score of this exam so you must be feel relax, take your time and start planning for the next part of USMLE (CK or CS).
Regards .
edited by on 8/7/2014

8/7/2014 4:30:08 AM
your graduation time might have a slight negative impact on your CV but by securing 240 you have a very strong plus point so don't bother over that and try to ace step 2. Best of luck for your future!!

8/8/2014 10:06:11 AM
Buddy, here I am with 7 years post grad with a similar score, once started you have to finish this journey irrespective of what people say, and remain hopeful till you are done.

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