Odds Ratio

12/18/2013 7:22:26 PM
Can someone explain me why OR aproximates RR if prevalence is not to high?

12/18/2013 7:39:17 PM
MassielD wrote:
Can someone explain me why OR aproximates RR if prevalence is not to high?

El OR es usado en caso de estudios observacionales analiticos( retrospectives) del tipo Casos y Controles, ej: Los pacientes con hepatopatia grasa, tienen mayor association al alcoholism.......El RR es usado en estudios de Cohorte( prospective), ej: Los pacientes alcoholics ,tienen mayor riesgo de hepatopatia grasa, que Los no alcoholics......

12/21/2013 10:52:54 PM
MassielD wrote:
Can someone explain me why OR aproximates RR if prevalence is not to high?

Understanding the Math; the equations involved to arrive at these ( 3 )concepts - really helps; is your answer.

pages: 1

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