preparation so far is not helping

9/17/2013 11:02:12 PM
Hi, so I have been preparing for the step 1 on and off for about a year now. Initially, I had planned to give step 1 earlier this year, but since my nbme score wasn't where I wanted it to be, I opted to take my Step 2 CS, gave that earlier this year, got my results and passed So, I am happy that one hurdle is down, BUT I feel like my Step 1 preparation is in broken pieces now. I had actually been studying along side for Step 1 all along thinking I would improve, but my preparation is lacking somewhere. I have done UWORLD about twice, but I feel now I am getting the questions right because I have seen them enough that I am familiar with the answers! I also tried Usmlerx, which I heard is good to cover first aid basics, but my percentage overall is low or just average. So, I feel my basics are lacking somewhere. I feel like I need to revise my strategy. All I need is to be more organized in my study plan, but I am not able to stick to one plan that works. I have tried DIT also, but when I concentrated too much on the videos, I wasn't doing enough questions. Watching videos for half a day and also doing questions plus going over their explanations is overwhelming to do at a stretch for many days. ( although I did try that, but I burned out ) Can anyone suggest a good plan that can tie up my loose ends? I am quite familiar with the material that is high yield, but there is a lack of revision. In a day, after doing timed blocks and revising the explanation by annotating or going back to first aid to study, I can't seem to fit in time for just revision or reading First aid. I thought of going back to reading Kaplan books/videos from which I started, but I feel that won't help me much now. Initially when I had just started my preparation, my mistake was that I had just stuck to studying kaplan for months, and started doing Qbanks late, and when it came time for doing questions from UWORLD, I was not able to apply the knowledge well to answering questions. Anyone can please advise as to how I should revise my study schedule at this point? I want to be able to wrap things up in about a month to maybe two months if I had to push it. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

9/18/2013 12:59:54 AM
psraj wrote:
Hi, so I have been preparing for the step 1 on and off for about a year now. Initially, I had planned to give step 1 earlier this year, but since my nbme score wasn't where I wanted it to be, I opted to take my Step 2 CS, gave that earlier this year, got my results and passed So, I am happy that one hurdle is down, BUT I feel like my Step 1 preparation is in broken pieces now. I had actually been studying along side for Step 1 all along thinking I would improve, but my preparation is lacking somewhere. I have done UWORLD about twice, but I feel now I am getting the questions right because I have seen them enough that I am familiar with the answers! I also tried Usmlerx, which I heard is good to cover first aid basics, but my percentage overall is low or just average. So, I feel my basics are lacking somewhere. I feel like I need to revise my strategy. All I need is to be more organized in my study plan, but I am not able to stick to one plan that works. I have tried DIT also, but when I concentrated too much on the videos, I wasn't doing enough questions. Watching videos for half a day and also doing questions plus going over their explanations is overwhelming to do at a stretch for many days. ( although I did try that, but I burned out ) Can anyone suggest a good plan that can tie up my loose ends? I am quite familiar with the material that is high yield, but there is a lack of revision. In a day, after doing timed blocks and revising the explanation by annotating or going back to first aid to study, I can't seem to fit in time for just revision or reading First aid. I thought of going back to reading Kaplan books/videos from which I started, but I feel that won't help me much now. Initially when I had just started my preparation, my mistake was that I had just stuck to studying kaplan for months, and started doing Qbanks late, and when it came time for doing questions from UWORLD, I was not able to apply the knowledge well to answering questions. Anyone can please advise as to how I should revise my study schedule at this point? I want to be able to wrap things up in about a month to maybe two months if I had to push it. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

may be we can talk
yu can talk through skype:tutor4all

9/19/2013 8:59:40 AM
I can't believe there's someone who is exactly in my position, My usmle journey is somewat same as urs. May be we can help each other. If you are interested pls email me at psmle12

9/19/2013 10:11:00 AM
Ha ha! The same story!!!!
Guys, our problem is that we have to do it fast. Im lacking that. (((
I did UW once , now doing incorrect. I took NBME - 430 FOR form 15.
So my problem is that Im forgetting. So I think we have to gather and study hard
so we can cover at least 1 subject a day.

9/19/2013 12:34:24 PM
Yea I definitely feel although I am studying hard, my level of recall is low. This is because, we should do more revisions, like within a small timeframe, and take a mock exam immediately. If not, if preparation is scattered, then when it is time for assessing, we're not able to remember. That's probably where I am thinking I am going wrong.

9/19/2013 12:40:32 PM
Any suggestions as to what you're doing differently now that might be of help in improving our situations! I am going to try to memorize what I know is most important, like high yield in FA over and over, till I know it like the back of my hand. For other subjects, like physio where some understanding is needed, it might be better to go back to Kaplan. That's my plan and then to continue doing questions everyday.

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