patient note.. 15 lines or 950 chars

8/12/2013 4:24:04 PM
Hey just wanted to know whether the patient note is limited to 15 lines only.. because if we write in bullet points then the lines get finished soon. the patient note example given on website doesnt let write after 15 lines even if 950 characters are still not fully filled.. I need to practice so need to know what is the exact format in the exam.

8/21/2013 1:37:50 PM
I think its ok to use bullet style on PE part of pt note, but for the hpi it is better to use paragraph formation otherwise you will run out of space

jim1988 wrote:
Hey just wanted to know whether the patient note is limited to 15 lines only.. because if we write in bullet points then the lines get finished soon. the patient note example given on website doesnt let write after 15 lines even if 950 characters are still not fully filled.. I need to practice so need to know what is the exact format in the exam.

8/21/2013 3:02:34 PM
i used capitals and bullet, its not bad

1/30/2014 4:30:26 PM
i recommend upper and lower case, it looks more professional but if typing speed is an issue then caps is good

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