Dear Friends, Need your guidance and advice

7/22/2013 11:00:02 AM
Dear Friends,

I have completed my 1st read with kaplan LN and videos, but due to some personal issues, i could not give my exam, so now i have applied my exam again and planning to write it on December 2013,

because of that gap, now i feel everything is fresh and new to me with kaplan LN, so i am planing to give a fast read with kaplan LN to complete my task and give my exam by December without any delay,

so friends, i need your guidance and advice for my preparation..

1. alot of experiences have showed that FA and UW is more than enough for following subjects

Pharm, Micro, anatomy what would be your advice on this?

2. I am planning to do A fast revision for following subjects with FA and Kaplan LN

Biochem: FA+ Kaplan
Anat: FA+Kaplan (for neuro HY)
pHYSIO: fa+kaplan
patho: pathoma+ fa
b.sci: 100 cases of ethics + kaplan (or 100 cases + fa alone enough)

please which would be the best method of preparation, and how to use these resources to complete before my exam date with 3 revision of UW and at least 5 revision with Fa

for q bank which would be best apart from UW (as we its must for preparation )..wither kaplan or UMSLE Rx

if you suggest some other resources, so give me your valuable suggestion and advices to may mail also [email protected]

7/24/2013 5:46:08 PM

i will suggest goljan with fa for pathology

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