Female SP needed for starting UWORLD & FA

6/24/2013 6:41:06 PM
I'm an IMG currently in Chicago. Im working three times a week, running a household and studying at the same time. I,v done Kaplan once and now starting UWORLD AND FA. who is willing to embark on this journey with me? I need someone who can motivate and is willing to be motivated as this is a test of nerves and persistence. I would prefer just discussing goals and setting a healthy competition so we can finish these two modalities in a quick and effective way. What's app or any instant messenger or email would be preferred as I don't want to waste your time and mine in endless gibberish over the phone. And also we won't need to worry about time zones!
So please, if you are a female, and are willing to help me and yourself succeed, with Gods will, plz feel free to PM me.


Peace out ........

edited by dija on 6/24/2013

pages: 1

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