What are my chances to match in neurosurgery?

4/25/2013 2:47:05 AM
Hello everyone. I'm an IMG and I just got my step 1 results today. I'm very depressed, I got 237. I was hoping for >250 and possibly 260 coz I know how hard it is to go into neurosurgery.
I want to know what are my chances to go into this specialty?
Here's where I stand:
- I have three good letters of recommendation, one of them is from chair of neurosurgery, another from a neurosurgeon and the third from neurologist.
- I have one publication so far and might do research next year.
- I'll be doing my step 2 CS next week and step 2 CK 4 months later
Do u think if I get high score on step 2 CK it will make up for the low step 1 score?

4/26/2013 4:40:16 PM
Greetings fellow doctor:

Can you please email me at [email protected] with subject neurosurgery.


pages: 1

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