Need some friendly advice

4/8/2013 6:46:32 PM
Scored 430 on NBME-13 yesterday and have 6weeks and change until exam day. How can I get that score to where I'm into the 220s? Do I need to focus on nailing a lot of U-World questions and studying weak spots in FA/Goljan?

4/8/2013 7:20:11 PM
do 92 uworld questions a day in tutor mode and go thru the educational objectives and explanations and annotate your first aid. before you sleep at night go thru all the information you wrote down for that day. and constantly keep reviewing your first aid and goljian. if you don't understand something. youtube the animation or clips on youtube in general are very informative. right now at your point in six weeks of hard work you can even get your score into the 230/240s no joke. but you gotta move fast and efficiently. if you can learn 10 things in 2 hours, it's better than learning 3 things in 10 hours. it's not the hours you put in. it's how efficiently you get the information into your head and use it to answer questions.
edited by pinomontalbano on 4/8/2013

pages: 1

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