Study partner needed. Exam jan 30. Lets do this!

11/13/2014 8:32:24 PM

Looking for a sp to kill this exam! I got a 258 on step 1 by following a specific plan and I intend to continue the same blueprint. I relied on my sp a lot during that time, mainly for discipline and routine on a given day. I credit her for my good score and she did quite well too.

Anyways, I intend to go through all of UW with my partner in the next 30-40 days. IM will take 23 days and the rest is for the other subjects. The plan is quite simple - pick a topic and do the uworld questions in that topic and discuss with partner the next day. uworld should be the major source for this exam according to the many people I know people that have aced it and I intend to follow their advice. Repetition is key which is why i believe my plan works.

I do not believe in putting other people down and promise to do my best to help my partner. My main weakness studying alone has been discipline. I find it easier for me to discipline myself when I know that other people are counting on me. I take my word very seriously and I can assure you that I will stick to a schedule once we have decided on one. Im looking for a serious partner. I understand study time is very valuable and I dont intend to waste any of your time and I ask that you kindly return the favor. i wanna master Internal medicine in the next 24 days. lets do it!Please message me if interested in starting right away - keep in mind my exam is 75 days away - so only serious inqquiries. Below is my contact information

skype: hartse7en
email: [email protected]

Good luck to all. Thanks!

11/15/2014 1:56:33 PM
I m interested. I sent you a message on Skype and email.

11/15/2014 7:36:11 PM
Dinma wrote:
I m interested. I sent you a message on Skype and email.

Hey Dinma,

saw your message. Im a male. Sorry! Hope you find someone though. Good luck!

pages: 1

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