step 2 cs live partner GTA ontario (march-april)

1/31/2018 12:24:59 AM
Hi, my exam is the first week of April in Chicago, I'm looking for a live study partner. I live in Hamilton, but if you are from GTA, we could figure out a way to meet. My plan is to study 4-5 days a week, around 5 hours everyday. My schedule is flexible, so it can be in the morning or in the evening. I plan on starting the first week of March. Thank you. Good luck

2/28/2018 1:36:02 AM
Hey jaz!
My exam is closer towards the end of April in Chicago
I live in GTA
Can you share your Skype ID and we can further discuss a study schedule
edited by on 2/28/2018

pages: 1

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