any good thread on uworld about note writing

7/11/2014 11:15:47 AM
any body can tell me some good tips on current note writing requirements

its difficult to write all 3 lines in physical for all 3 diagnosis... any ideas guys


7/11/2014 5:38:11 PM
It is most likely you will not find anything for PE part to fill up. Most of the SPs gives you normal PE. Only if you have special tests for cases like Joint cases, homan's sign, DM cases with tingling/numbness, etc, you can write down positive or negative finding.

7/15/2014 5:54:44 PM
The patient note must be annotated correctly especially the patient note section you also have to learn all the abbreviations and use them, then I suggest attending GoldUSMLE step 2 CS course in Houston or NY it was a very good experience for me and I improved a lot after the review

quote=phway]It is most likely you will not find anything for PE part to fill up. Most of the SPs gives you normal PE. Only if you have special tests for cases like Joint cases, homan's sign, DM cases with tingling/numbness, etc, you can write down positive or negative finding.[/quote]

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