One tip that works for CS exam

10/22/2013 3:09:36 PM
To save time (roughly 30 seconds) during the actual exam especially for slow typer, I copied and paste the chief complaint from the opening scenario i.e. Mr. X, 45 males present with cough ...etc. into my patient note. It works because I passed ICE using this method. Hope it helps and good luck to those taking their CS soon.

10/22/2013 3:29:49 PM
To prevent confusion, there is a tab on the computer with vitals and chief complaint when you sit down to type your note where you can copy and paste this into your patient note. During interview make sure you focus on chief complaints, then asks pertinent questions to rule in or out at least 2 differentials on your mind. For physical, perform relevant exams first, then cardio, resp, abd. Do not do head to toe because no time and no points given to nonrelevant exam anyways. And those who fail, keep your chin up. Good luck.

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