reset qbank by letting it expire?

2/23/2015 11:38:59 AM
Hey all!
Technical question here (their office is closed due to weather).
here goes:
My qbank expired at 8am on 02/22. I want to reset it- as in have no record of my previous performance so as I go through it again my cumulative performance starts from only my new tests. I had a 3 month sub, my exam is in 1 month.
my problem: Been through the qbank a few times, but my cumulative performance is not reflective anymore (based on over 100 tests since day 1 of studying).
If i let 48h pass according to their email : Once your subscription expires, you will NOT be able to renew it. If you wish to renew your subscription, please renew it before the indicated expiration date and time.
I have the 2 practice exams, latest one expiring 03/06.
So if i wait till say the 24th, I will lose my current stats and then pay and have it all brand new/clear?
Or would I have to wait till 03/08 even to be able to reset?
Hope this is clear enough (and not too asanine). I just want to start over with a clear track record.
thanks and good luck!

pages: 1

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