Need some subjections please SAP!! please rply!!

11/4/2013 10:41:53 PM
Hello Drs. My exam is this month I just want to be in the mean (222 I think it is) but I took NBMEs 11,12,13 and in all I scored 460 (212) all in different phases of my study journey. I already read FA 3 1/2 times, finishing it this week for the fourth time. I have done Uworld twice (wrote every necessary explanation spacialy wrong ones) first pass 56% second pass 84%. Done Pathomas (thinking of doing it one more time) and yes.... I did all of Kaplan. What should I do? I know I get distracted reading the questions, I got diagnosed with ADD, so... is that my problem? What should I do?

11/6/2013 6:12:50 PM

11/7/2013 2:41:27 PM
Hi Beltran looks like you have been working really hard. You are your best judge to know what is going on. My feeling is that if you feel you get distract during the questions, better to address with a physician your ADD first, right? you said your scores have been 212 across all the NBME's.
Also, just focus on what are the areas of lower performance (the lowest 3 areas and systems) of NBME'S as well as in your last 3 test of Uworld the most recent one and read and review only that info from FA or kaplan books again. What is the common factor across weakness in those? Take another simulation test once you focus for real only in your weak topics. Also check the info you feel you don't know.
what do you think?
edited by on 11/7/2013

11/7/2013 4:56:49 PM
Thank you for the advice. It really motivates me and that's what we need before taking the exam. That is the plan, to get stronger in my weak points to get better. I'm on medication but I really need to talk with my physician before the test. Thank you for replying it helps. I hope you ace the test +260 ^_^

11/7/2013 6:13:38 PM
Beltran wrote:
Thank you for the advice. It really motivates me and that's what we need before taking the exam. That is the plan, to get stronger in my weak points to get better. I'm on medication but I really need to talk with my physician before the test. Thank you for replying it helps. I hope you ace the test +260 ^_^

I hope we both ace the test!! Better to talk with your physician before going ahead, taking the new simulation tests and weak areas review with the adjustment of medication if needed. then you can get better performance . Hope it helps.
edited by on 11/7/2013

pages: 1

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