1 month before exam & still not done first review

6/27/2013 2:37:45 AM
Hey guys I would really appreciate your input on my current situation.

My exam is in a month (can't extend my date) and I'm only about 40% through UWORLD (current average score per block 40-50%) and only about 25% done with my FIRST READING of first aid.

How bad/ok/good is my situation in your opinions?

edited by Pr!ncess on 6/27/2013

6/29/2013 10:32:44 PM
You are not ready for the exam. That's clear!!
If you cannot postpone your exam ( you know your reasons best) than just kiss your $900 goodbye, as much as the exam cost,I think it was the price and apply for next exam. You probably know the best why you couldn't make it better for all this time, cause time limit is one year after applying.
However, until you are solid 75 on the blocks, and until you pass your FA at least 3 times, don't even think to go to exam.
Maybe somebody thinks differently, but this is my opinion.
The point is not just to pass, the point is to kick ass!!
My best, Dusha

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