quick question

6/25/2013 11:39:13 PM
Ok so I dont remember where I came across this question before but it's as follows

A so n so man with so n so condition wants to have an invasive procedure done although the doctor had previously told him that its not necessary as it's benign.He doesn't seem to listen to the doctor and still insists on the procedure to be done.What conflict does this correspond to?

A. Beneficence vs. maleficence
B. Autonomy vs. beneficence
C. Beneficence vs. nonmaleficence
D. Autonomy vs. nonmaleficence

6/26/2013 2:05:15 PM
autonomy vs beneficience

6/28/2013 1:26:42 PM
Romaisa, can you explain this question a little more, cause I never crossed over this therms before, and what that actually means.

6/30/2013 1:06:31 AM
Romaisa wrote:
autonomy vs beneficience

thank you

pages: 1

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