Much needed advice.

5/24/2013 5:35:53 PM
I take my Step 1 on June 13th. I only did one self-assessment in March, NBME form 6, and got a 420. I think that equates to a 203 on the boards. I have been reading FA and doing UW questions. I have like 35% to go and my cumulative performance so far is 62% (this is my first pass). I was planning on doing UW 1-2 more times and reading FA 2-3 more times. I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences or heard of others and wanted to share some advice. Thanks a lot. SHould I do more self-assessments this close to the test, its not like I can postpone now?

5/24/2013 5:44:23 PM
if you can't postpone it, then you gotta work harder and more efficiently.
i don't know what type of score you are looking for. i suggest going thru first aid and memorizing that rapid review in the back. stick to NBME, the uwsa are good for all the concepts that are gonna be on your exam, but they are not good indicators of how you are going to do on your real exam. take nbme 12 or 13 this weekend and see how you do on it. this will better help you gauge your score. after that i would try to get thru u-world maybe 2 more times while reading first aid and annotating it with all that you're learning on u-world. is there anyway that you can postpone your exam until your score goes up..i dunno if your happy with a 203 then i say keep doing just first aid and u-world and you'll be fine, but don't take this exam until you've taken nbme 7 and nbme 15 ONLINE...not of that offline bull*h*t

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