Wat do i do??

5/21/2013 8:51:26 PM
Hi...I scored 231 in nbme 11 today and i have my exam in two weeks.. Shud i take it?? I was 212 in nbme 12 vich i tuk 3 weeks back n i posponed my exam by 4 weeks. I dun know wat to do? I want a score of 240 in my exam.. kindly help.

5/23/2013 6:37:37 PM
you will score above 240 if you do this.

stop doing everything else except for your u-world, first aid, goljian/pathoma...

for the next two weeks you must do this 10x. ONLY READ first aid, u-world, gojian over and over and over and over again.

do not postpone your exam. you're going to forget if you postpone. 2=14 days...you should be able to quickly quickly do first aid 5x. read all goljian high yield. make sure you do 200 questions per day in u-world in mixed/timed mode. i think 200 questions is like 4.5 blocks. you can do 5 blocks a day if you want but you have to repeat u-world over and over and over again. You will score above 240 don't worry. stick to this schedule.

5/23/2013 7:13:12 PM
Thnx..even i think i wud go fr it widout postponing.. gonna read goljan n u world wid FA again. I had one more concern..vile doin nbme 11 i was finding d ques really easy n felt good after finishing it though scored only 231..How good is it in predicting d real exam??? Does it over predict??

5/23/2013 7:46:36 PM
you have to take multiple nbme not just one.

take nbme 12 and see how you do. take nbme 12 this weekend and see how you do.

then in 1 more week take nbme 15. nbme 7 is hard so if you get a low score don't worry.

you are very very close. you must go insane these last two weeks. study 16 hours per day. repeating first aid, u-world, and goljian over and over and over again. if you like pathoma better stick to pathoma. don't worry you'll get above 240.

but remember no sleep for the next two weeks. only sleep like 6 hours per night. 16 hours study study study 1 hour lunch 1 hour dinner. you have to go insane these last two weeks. you should cover first aid at least 5x.
edited by pinomontalbano on 5/23/2013

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