step 1 score out ( advice needed)

4/17/2013 11:20:28 AM
i got mi step 1 score of 202.... is there any hope.......? img candidate.... frsh graduate,,,,plz help

4/17/2013 11:36:23 AM
yes you'll be fine you just need to KILL part2ck. which is more doable than part 1 anyway.
congrats on passing your usmle part 1. now hurry up and move on to CK. because much of CK is the same as part 1. do it when it is fresh in your head.

4/17/2013 12:57:22 PM
you guys need to stop worrying so much and just be happy that you passed your exams and never have to take them again or what if you failed?!?!

residencies care more about failing than your actual will get residency somehow somewhere. so calm down and continue the journey.

5/7/2013 6:40:10 PM
pinomontalbano wrote:
you guys need to stop worrying so much and just be happy that you passed your exams and never have to take them again or what if you failed?!?!

residencies care more about failing than your actual will get residency somehow somewhere. so calm down and continue the journey.

That is good advice. One less thing to worry about. Move on. Use the energy for the next test and stay focus and positive.

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